Pinterest Board

Here is one of my Pinterest boards onto which I've saved several images of folded and torn pieces of paper, alongside wall decor with similar appearances. From this board, I will select four images and attempt to recreate them or create something to a similar effect. I will attempt to recreate the simplest designs, i.e. second one down and across from the top-left corner, the one to the right-hand side of that, two to the right-hand side of that, and the one to the right-hand side of that one.

 I will be writing about these images briefly, in terms of the visual quality, the construction, the materials, the photographic considerations, and how I may use these ideas within my shots. Currently, I have both standard printer A4 paper and card in both A4 and A5 sheets, both bound in sketchbooks, which I have been using to construct a small series of photos I've titled "Officium Parabolam" in which various empty hallways and rooms are littered with documents and newspapers, all of which is based on the video game "The Stanley Parable".

 I may post this series of photos if deemed appropriate by my lecturer and will describe the thought process behind it. Until then, it will be photo analysis.

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