Officium Parabolam

The first turn; an ominous corner.

Around the bend, down the hall.

Through the doors, into a foyer.

The first office, with scattered papers.

Another angle of the trashed office.

Through another hallway, away from chaos.

Another hallway, leading toward another office.

Another angle of this new hallway.

Another office, trashed with several documents.

A different view of the office.

One last office, trashed with papers.

Here are the photos from my first white paper-focused photo-shoot titled "Officium Parabola" which I discussed in my first post. The floors and ceilings were sheets of A4 printer paper whereas the walls were created with card for stability. The prop paper sheets were created with a strip of printer paper, a fine-liner, and a pair of scissors. The crumpled balls of paper were created with a small notebook with very thin lined paper on which I drew extra lines to scale it down, although they are considerably large in this scale.

 This shoot was based on the video game "The Stanley Parable" in which the protagonist, Stanley, wanders the corridors of the office complex in which it works to find that all of his co-workers and his boss have vanished off the face of the earth. Among the office are scattered documents and papers across several strangely formed hallways and rooms which tend to contort and change as the game is traversed.

 The base idea of the game was enough to inspire this project, alongside it being something I used to create for fun when I was younger; cutting out paper doors and created paper buildings in a paper world. I'm unsure why this was, but I'm glad I had some experience with the idea beforehand. I used my phone's flash function on the camera app for the lighting, which creates an incredibly high contrast, i.e. the walls and floors against the shadows and decorations' details.

 This project was merely a test to get used to working with white paper folding and decorating, and also posting on Blogger with multiple photos. For my next post, I will be analysing four photos from my Pinterest board. Since my first post, I have added several more photos, although I will stick with my first four choices for consistency's sake.

Pinterest Board

Here is one of my Pinterest boards onto which I've saved several images of folded and torn pieces of paper, alongside wall decor with similar appearances. From this board, I will select four images and attempt to recreate them or create something to a similar effect. I will attempt to recreate the simplest designs, i.e. second one down and across from the top-left corner, the one to the right-hand side of that, two to the right-hand side of that, and the one to the right-hand side of that one.

 I will be writing about these images briefly, in terms of the visual quality, the construction, the materials, the photographic considerations, and how I may use these ideas within my shots. Currently, I have both standard printer A4 paper and card in both A4 and A5 sheets, both bound in sketchbooks, which I have been using to construct a small series of photos I've titled "Officium Parabolam" in which various empty hallways and rooms are littered with documents and newspapers, all of which is based on the video game "The Stanley Parable".

 I may post this series of photos if deemed appropriate by my lecturer and will describe the thought process behind it. Until then, it will be photo analysis.

Mentis Imperium, et Lunam, et Pastor

  The final stretch of my surreal photography project was not as ambitious as I had hoped, but on the brighter side I got to convey a differ...